Advance care planning (ACP) is the process that supports all adults in understanding and sharing their personal values, goals, and preferences about future medical care. In the United States, 93% of adults say that talking about end-of-life wishes is important, but only 33% have engaged in these conversations with loved ones. Over half of us will be unable to make our own decisions during this critically important time.
According to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Conversation Ready White Paper (2019), “when properly conducted, ACP has considerable benefits: better quality of life, care that is more consistent with patient preferences, and improved bereavement outcomes for the family.” Starting the conversation is never easy, but families and health care professionals report that it is a relief when the subject of how we want the end of our life to look is brought into the open and our choices can be honored because of thoughtful communication.
The Conversation Project in Boulder County fosters meaningful and effective conversations about healthcare wishes. We aim to ensure that every person’s wishes for end-of-life are expressed and respected. To reach this goal, we offer ACP presentations and workshops throughout our community. Our Conversation Coaches meet with individuals and families to help with advance directive documents and help facilitate these important discussions.
The Conversation Project in Boulder County is here to help you start or continue your personal ACP journey. All of our services are free-of-charge for anyone in our community. Learn more on our website.
Learn more on The Conversation Project in Boulder County’s website.