Veterans with life-limiting illnesses face unique issues that can exacerbate physical and emotional symptoms at an already difficult time. In response to these challenges, TRU Community Care offers TRU Heroes, a special end-of-life care program that’s based on the principles of comfort, choice, dignity, and respect and is tailored to the specific needs of veterans and their families.
Through TRU Heroes, veterans and their families are assured:
- An expert, compassionate teams of physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, chaplains, social workers, and counselors who understand the medical issues related to various branches and eras of military service, make house calls, and are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Disease-specific programs that enable more effective pain and symptom relief earlier in the disease process
- Intensive around-the-clock care at the TRU Community Care Inpatient Care Center or wherever the veteran resides to manage pain and symptoms in crisis situations
- Assistance in identifying and securing military benefits and community resources that are available to veterans and their surviving dependents
- Experienced counselors who are committed to providing support appropriate to veterans and their families
- Special recognition, including a framed commemorative certificate to recognize each veteran’s contributions
- Extra assistance and complementary therapies offered by highly trained volunteers, including veterans who often share common experiences
TRU Heroes is our way of giving back to those who have given so much to our country.
Our veterans have bravely served us. It is now our privilege to serve them.