All seasons have a beginning, middle and end, as do all feelings, even in grief. Sometimes the winter darkness, the flurries of holidays, and desire to be with our loved ones who are no longer with us, makes us forget that spring bring new growth, more light and changes.
Each season in grief has its own set of unique memories. Spring is often a time to start to create new ways of being. We clean out our closets, we make plans for the summer, we spend more time outside and we decide how we want to be in this season with our grief. Maybe we try something new? Maybe we plant flowers or trees in honor of our special person? Whatever it is we decide to do in spring, grief is with us and so is our special person. We do not forget them. The continuing bond we have is still there, ever changing as we continue to change in our grieving process. Hope is the courage that continues to guide us. Be gentle with our grief.