Ways to Support TRU Community Care
Donate by Phone: Make a contribution using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express by calling 303.926.4743.
Donate by Mail: Send your check to: TRU Community Care 2594 Trailridge Drive East Lafayette, CO 80026 Please know that when you make a memorial donation or honorarium, we take care to notify family members and/or honorees. If you have specific notifications you would like us to make, please provide contact information with your donation. All contributions to TRU Community Care are tax deductible. We promise never to resell our mailing list to anyone. For more information, please call 303.926.4743.

A bequest is often the most realistic way for donors to make a significant contribution to TRU Community Care. This thoughtful method of gifting can be created as easily as adding a paragraph to a will.
If you have remembered TRU in your Will or Revocable Living Trust, or are planning to, please let us know. We would like to thank you now and invite you to join our Legacy Circle. The TRU Legacy Circle is one way we honor and thank the generous donors who have made a gift for the future through estate and planned gifts to our organization. As members of the Legacy Circle, these valued TRU supporters receive regular updates on our programs and activities, along with invitations to intimate donor receptions throughout the year.
Our intention is to personally recognize the individuals in our community who are helping to ensure that the compassionate care we provide to those with advanced illnesses and their families endures well into the future. So if you are among these special philanthropists, please let us hear from you. And please be assured that, while we do publicly acknowledge individuals in our Legacy Circle from time to time, we will always honor a request to remain anonymous.
Each year, many of our committed donors support TRU Community Care with gifts of stock or mutual fund shares, life insurance and/or retirement plan assets. These gifts enable donors to realize tax benefits while receiving the satisfaction of helping our community's oldest, largest, and most effective hospice charity.
Life Insurance
Similarly, if you have excess life insurance, you may enjoy tax benefits by designating TRU Community Care as the beneficiary of (primary or secondary) an existing life insurance policy.
Retirement Plans
At the time of death, qualified retirement plan assets may be subjected to both estate and deferred income tax, which combined can use up most of the funds. You can designate TRU Community Care as a tax-free beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA, Keogh, tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension, or profit-sharing plan. A charitable gift of insurance proceeds or the remainder of retirement plan is normally deductible from the donor's estate.
Endowment Funds
Donors can pay lasting tribute to loved ones through gifts made in their names to TRU’s Endowment Fund. Unrestricted gifts to our endowment fund will sustain our core programs and help ensure the organization thrives and continues to serve all who need us. Cash, stock, mutual fund shares, life insurance, real estate, or other property may be used to fund endowment gifts.
Long-term Commitment
We can help you devise and reach your personal philanthropic goals. TRU works with individuals and families to design a personalized charitable giving plan. Gifts can be made through a will, charitable trust, life insurance policy, retirement plan, estate planning, or outright contribution to our endowment program.
More Information on Legacy Giving
Please visit the Legacy Giving section of our site to learn more about legacy giving options and to share your giving intentions with TRU.