“I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer in November of 2018. My mom was my best friend and the most important person in my life. She was the backbone of my family, our neighborhood, and her friend groups. She was selfless, flamboyant, and loving.
I was having a hard time grieving because I’m still getting used to college and I’m surrounded by people who have not been through a loss like this. Everyone around me talks about their moms constantly and I always feel saddened to know that I will never have that relationship with my mom as I get older – when she would be more of a friend to me than a parent.
My mom was in TRU Hospice. When I heard about TRU’s Buttery Release event, I decided to go because my mom used to always tell my brother and me that she thought her mom came back to earth in the form of a white butterfly after she died. A butterfly is a symbol that I associate with my mom, and I thought that releasing one would help me with my grief journey.
Attending the event made me feel like other people knew what I was going through. I rarely find people around me who have experienced a major loss in their life, and I was comforted when I saw how many people attended this event in honor of their loved ones.
I am grateful to TRU for helping me cope with my grief and teaching me how to move forward in life without my beloved mom. I now have coping mechanisms when I’m feeling sad, and I can think back on events like the butterfly release and remember my mom in a meaningful and special way.”
– Abby
TRU Community Care is able to offer extensive grief services and annual community events like the Butterfly Release and Memorial because of the generous support of donors like you. Grieving and healing together helps our community members find their way after the death of a loved one.
Please consider supporting our work with a tax-deductible donation to TRU today.
Thank you for helping us to be there for people like Abby when they need us most.